reunion thoughts

Last weekend was my five-year college reunion. It was much more fun than I’d imagined. A few quick thoughts:
– This is really the last chance I’ll have to see most of these folks while our incomes are even remotely at the same level. As they become wealthy doctors/lawyers/bankers/etc., and as I remain a newspaper reporter, the gap will grow. But at the moment, they’re all weighted down by debt! I’ll enjoy the relative parity while it lasts.
– I was talking with my old roommate Bob — the one whose bachelor party I’m going to in Las Vegas next weekend — when the movie The Tao of Steve came up. We both said we enjoyed it and its lead character, Dex. Then Bob threw in the kicker: “Yeah, [his fiancee] Stacey and I were watching the movie and we both thought the same thing: Dex reminded us of you.”
Ouch. (I think.) Bob did clarify that a bit, pointing out the two biggest differences — Dex has a huge gut and no ambition, whereas I have a more manageable gut and too much ambition. But still: ouch.
– Shame’s a funny thing. I can’t tell you how many times I had this conversation with classmates who are, by any societal measure, launching tremendously successful careers:
Classmate: Hey, Josh! Great to see you! What have you been up to?
Me: Well, I’m still a newspaper reporter, at the Dallas Morning News.
Classmate: That’s great!
Me: How about you?
Classmate: (suddenly staring at feet, voice down a few decibels, shifting weight from side to side) Um, I’m a…lawyer.
(Or insert “investment banker,” “consultant,” “going to business school,” etc. Only the doctors seemed to remain unashamed.)

5 thoughts on “reunion thoughts”

  1. Ah yes, law loans. A tragic thing…
    Funny, I fail to understand the Dex comparison. Maybe it only makes sense in person?

  2. Honestly, I can’t remember if Dex manages to salvage his self-esteem or respect by the end of the movie – but it’s one of my favorite films. “You’re like a co-dependent girlfriend,” or “the Reddi-Wip Eating Dog Scene” has to be the best line ever.
    If it makes you feel better, I’ve been compared to Holly Hunter’s character in “Broadcast News” a lot – when we graduated from college, a good friend even jokingly said “Except for socially, you’re my role model.” Cripes. I turned out okay, though, despite that curse. There’s plenty of hope.

  3. Ooh – I loved the Tao of Steve! I’ve seen it a couple of times! Dex isn’t a horrible guy and he redeems himself at the end!

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