yahoo maps gets speedy

Anyone else notice that when Yahoo! Maps redesigned not long ago, they started getting drive times close to correct?
Example: I’m driving to Rayne tomorrow night, a trip that Yahoo used to claim took eight hours. Now it claims six hours and 15 minutes — not far off, particularly if you count the traditional Wendy’s break outside Terrell, Texas. (For the record, competitor Mapquest calls it a 6:58 drive.)
Austin — previously listed as 5-plus hours from Dallas — now clocks in at under four at Yahoo. (It’s really closer to 3:15, and weirdly Mapquest is dead on.) It’s good that Yahoo no longer assumes we’re stuck behind a left-lane Pinto at 35 miles per, I suppose, even if I’ll no longer get to feel cool for shaving a cool two hours off the expected time. It’s the little things in life, people.

2 thoughts on “yahoo maps gets speedy”

  1. I don’t know – the last time I used Yahoo it gave me completely wrong directions and I got very lost…now granted, it could have been user error but it’s made me leery of Yahoomaps.

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