dallas fashion, circa 1971

Baggies!Ripped from the Dallas Morning News archives: Evidence that we were just as fashion-conscious in 1971 as we are today.
“In case you missed them, baggies are the latest look for men. They’re red-hot right now because they’re coming along when there is definitely a need for a change in this category of men’s wear. Baggies are fresh, and present a new appearance. They’re versatile enough to be worn as sportswear or you could add a sports coat — providing it’s the right look (wide lapels, shape and one- or two-button front, etc.).”
Also recommends a “wide belt and a pair of high-heel two-tone oxfords” and “a light-weight vest and jacket to present the layered look, which will be an important concept all over the fashion world.” And if you read to the end, you’ll find proof that baggies can snag you “a couple of shapely blondes”!