Why isn’t the world going wild over the new Tahiti 80 album? Geezumpete, it’s an instant classic. Great track after great track. Throw it in the player and it’s a summer day, driving with the top down. We’re talking Official Crabwalk.com Seal of Approval material here.
Category: Uncategorized
dropout story
Here’s my mediocre story from today’s paper.
lie-berry and warshington
In today’s episode of People Who Should Be Muzzled: Any adult who pronounces the word library “lie-berry.”
In particular, this applies to people who work in a library, and thus repeat the word dozens of times per day.
Honorable mention goes to people who pronounce our nation’s capital as “Warshington.”
vote fraud, live on crabwalk.com!
This morning, like a good citizen, I voted. I was in the Richardson city hall on business and saw the early voting booth there. It was one of those newfangled electronic ballots, and I got through most of the 16 screens of candidates before coming to our local congressional race.
Context: A year ago, my boss was off on a rant about how young reporters aren’t as invested in their communities as old-timers are. As proof, he asked me who my congressional representative was. I didn’t know. And I felt like an ass. So I quickly went to find out: it’s District 30’s Eddie Bernice Johnson, chair of the Congressional Black Caucus. I made sure to remember her, if only because of the shame brought by my boss’ comments.
Anyway, so this morning I’m voting and get to where I should be voting for Eddie or her opponent Ron Bush. But instead I see incumbent Sam Johnson and challenger Manny Molera.
Who are these people? Having heard of neither, I think: Are you sure you live in Eddie Bernice Johnson’s district? Eddie Johnson, Sam Johnson — you cracking up, JB?
I voted anyway and left the polling place. Got back to the office and checked: I am indeed in Eddie Johnson’s district, not Sam Johnson’s. The Richardson voting booth I was at, however, is in Sam Johnson’s. So I voted illegally in an election after being given a faulty ballot.
I called the county elections office, and their response was, roughly: tough noogies.
Maybe I should move to Florida.
baby talk from a teacher
Teachers are, by and large, good people. It’s a shame that some of them, after years of dealing with second graders, move through life assuming everyone they deal with is eight years old. I swear, this administrator I interviewed today damned near broke into baby talk.
blah blah blah
If I were a columnist, this would be my “random musings” Larry King-style column.
The swarm of CDs continues to envelope me — another day, another hernia for my friendly neighborhood postal carrier. Thankfully, Thomas has volunteered to burn me a batch of discs, in exchange for my left kidney. Thanks!
Wisconsin was wonderful — out near Lake Michigan in this beautiful wooded area, in this gorgeous Frank Lloyd Wright house.
I am in sports nirvana. I root for three teams: the New Orleans Saints in football, the San Francisco Giants in baseball, and the North Carolina Tar Heels in college basketball. The Saints are 6-1 and on top of the league. The Giants are in the World Series. And the Tar Heels, well, the Tar Heels haven’t started their season yet. But two out of three, hey, not bad!
Got up early this morning to go see my Little Brother at school, only to realize I was there on the wrong day. (His school uses an A/B block schedule, and they had a day off I didn’t know about last week — that screwed up everything.)
blog/beg google counts
Google counts:
“bloggers can’t be choosers”: 2.
“ain’t too proud to blog”: 1,270.
“i blog your pardon”: 11.
“i blog to differ”: 0.
shift article and cdmom update
Never mind re: Shift — here it is, by one Sylvia Nalli-Petta, which for some reason strikes me as a particularly Torontonian name.
“Dallas newspaper reporter Josh Benton runs crabwalk.com, a weblog and ‘CD mix of the month club.’ Users exchange burned CDs: Send off one custom compilation and Josh reciprocates with one of his own. Snail mail two CDs and he adds another crabwalk-er’s mix to the envelope. Effort is made to match musical tastes, so Blur fans don’t wind up with an earful of Cibo Matto.”
Generally dead on, but are Blur fans really that far away from Cibo Matto fans? I mean, I put both acts on my June mix. I suppose Blur fans are, on the whole, more likely to brawl with a Gallagher brother, while Cibo Matto’s are more likely to sing lullabies about food. But they’re not exactly different universes.
And to be honest, the effort to match up musical tastes is pretty minimal — Blurheads and Cibophiles invariably get stuck in the same pool. I divide the CDs I get in the mail into four stacks:
– Stupendous, momentous, mixes that shake my very soul to the core, then rebuild it from the bricks of great music.
– Solid, enjoyable mixes that have great tracks and an attention to detail.
– Eh, I’ll look past the Bryan Adams track. The Whitney Houston’s pushing it, though.
– Seriously, have you ever heard anything other than Hits 102? Did you look at my track listings and still think that Kid Rock and O-Town would be a good idea for trade bait? Actually, do you still think Kid Rock and O-Town are good ideas, period?
Those who send me CDs that end up in Pile No. 1 get No. 1 discs in return. Twos get twos, etc. (And no, I won’t tell you what stack your CD got put into — that’s a crabwalk.com corporate secret.)
In case you’re wondering, more than 375 people have signed up for the October trade since the mix club was mentioned on Daily Candy a few weeks ago. (I got more than 17,000 hits in 24 hours.) All my waking hours the last few weeks have been filled burning CDs, folding liner notes, stuffing envelopes, updating a big unwieldy database, answering email questions, and paying lots of postage. Delicious irony: With my car CD player stolen not long ago, I never have time to listen to CDs any more.
back from blogging break, happy hour, shift magazine
Sadness is discovering that that 9:30 a.m. flight you thought you had tomorrow is actually a 7 a.m. flight.
Really, I’m alive, I swear, despite my non-posting habits of late. Rumors of regime change at crabwalk.com are not based in fact, even if such a move remains the standing policy of the Bush administration. My cloistered super-duper-ultra-secret work assignment is complete. If I wasn’t jetting off to lovely Racine, Wisconsin, tomorrow, I’d be back on the blogging crack. As it is, you’ll have to wait until Monday for a full return to mid-season form.
After skipping last month’s, I went to the DFWblogs happy hour last night. It’s amazing what you can miss in such a short time — lots of hot tubbing, mostly, but presumably other things as well. The grand tradition of interblogger incest has continued to thrive. Good to see y’all again.
Finally, I hear a rumor that this site is mentioned in this month’s Shift magazine. Anyone have a copy to verify or contradict that? (It’s in the Shift 75.) If so, this joins my CBC appearance this summer in my continuing quest to dominate all Canadian media. Watch your back, Saskatoon.
project h week begins
This week, I’m being locked in a small computerless room. Supposedly, it’s for my own good and the good of the company. Personally, I think they’re trying to drive me insane. Perhaps both those statements are true. In any event, don’t count on any mid-day updates this week.
Spent the weekend in Louisiana, checking out hurricane damage. More to come if I get around to it. Leaving Friday morning for Wisconsin, in case anyone needs any cheese delivered.
Here’s my story on today’s front page.